By Liz Jacobs
Customer Service Manager
Over the past three months, 35,000 people have been serviced through our BBS service. These 35,000 people totaled over 180,000 calls! Between our automated hint system and our Customer Service Department, another 4000 calls a day have been answered!! To accomplish this, Sierra had put in over 20 new phone lines, taking us to over 35 incoming lines. These figures do not include the 800 lines with are available to anyone wanting to place an order.
However, for some of you, it may be VERY hard to believe that a Sierra Customer Service actually exists. But, it is true. As a company very concerned with not only the quality of our product, but also the quality of our customer service, we are aware of the frustrations that you, our loyal customers, have been experiencing due to the phone system. We do understand that you need and should expect the support that is required in order to enjoy our games thoroughly. We ARE committed to that business principle. At this very moment we are meeting with AT&T and our local phone company, making arrangements for the type of phone system that will give us virtually unlimited lines to be put in place. We will be separating the "hint line" from the customer service line, making it quite easy to get through to Customer Service. We are IMPROVING our automated hint system by expanding many of the existing hints, and allowing you, the audience, to get an unlimited number of hints!!! ALL of the game hints will be on-line by the end of April. There will be NO twenty-minute holding sessions, no "hang ups"… only easy access to both the hint line and Customer Service! We are very excited about these additional improvements. EVERYONE that tries to reach Sierra On-Line… will. Many of you are probably wondering if your redial finger will come out of traction! Others have been told that "all lines are currently busy… please hold for the next available customer service rep," only to be hung up on!
We ask you to accept our apology, and trust that the company that can bring you King's Quest IV, can also bring you premium quality service. Thank you for your patience.
Issue 5: Spring 1989
- Cartoon/Drawing Contest (Issue 5)
- Customer Support Forum
- From Supertramp to Space Quest III: An Interview with Bob Siebenberg
- Issue 5 Credits
- Our Readers Respond
- Pirated Copies of Leisure Suit Larry Contain Virus
- Police Quest Used in Real-Life Police Officer Training
- Presidents Corner
- Products For Your Computer
- Sierra On-Line Wins Awards
- Sierra Picture Contest
- Silpheed: New Sequel to Thexder
- Space Quest III: The Men Who Designed The Game
- The Making of King's Quest IV
- Twenty Four Hour Automated Hint Line Now Operational!
This website is © 2010-2011 David Reese. All rights reserved. All images and content, including, but not limited to, the Interaction Magazine logo and articles from the magazine, are the property of their respective owners. Interaction Magazine has been made available to the public on the SierraGamers website, and is considered a part of the public domain. Image hosting provided by Photobucket.