8/7/2011: Conversion of Issue 6 is now at 35%. This update includes the first 3 articles in the Customer Support Forum section and entails a humorous KQ4 hints article, the unveiling of the new 900 number automated hint line, and a brief article about members of the Sierra BBS meeting and getting married.
8/6/2011: Conversion of Issue 6 is now at 30% This update includes the latest Sierra Rumor Mill, an article about Hoyle's Book of Games, and tips on how to get 16-colors on computers that aren't equipped with an EGA card.
8/5/2011: Conversion of Issue 6 is now at 25%. This update includes the remaining chunk of "Sierra's Newest Games", which includes Leisure Suit Larry 3, Hoyle's Book of Games: Volume 1, Sorcerian, and Conquest of Camelot. Also got the Top 10 Best Sellers list up for this issue.
8/4/2011: Conversion of Issue 6 into wiki format is now at 20%. This update includes a big chunk of the "Sierra's Newest Games" section, which gives previews of some of the games Sierra is releasing within the next quarter. Games covered in this update include The Colonel's Bequest, Hero's Quest (aka Quest For Glory I), Codename: ICEMAN, and Manhunter: San Fransisco.
8/3/2011: Conversion of Issue 6 into wiki format is now at 15%. Believe it or not, this update is comprised of a mere three articles, which is the issue credits, Ken William's President's Corner (which is 2-pages long) and a 4-page interview with Roberta Williams, where she talks about The Colonel's Bequest and her game design legacy.
8/2/2011: Changed the site header and navigation icon. The site is now InterAction Magazine Archive. Also put up a button and instructions for linking to the site on the navigation bar.
8/2/2011: Issue 5 has been completely converted into wiki format. In this update, you will find the Products For Your Computer section has been completed, a rather lengthy look at the making of King's Quest IV and assorted odds-and-ends such as the Picture Contest and Readers Respond. Next up is Issue 6, which marks the end of the publication's newsletter format and the beginning of it's magazine format, which will make for some visually stunning articles. Be mindful that the issues are going to be bandwidth-intensive, so if your on a slow connection, just be patient.
8/2/2011: Takeshi Miyaji, founder of Game Arts of Japan, has passed away. Rest in peace, dear friend, and thank you for the great games you gave us, including Thexder, Silpheed, and Sorcerian. Story originally posted on Joystiq.
8/1/2011: Conversion of Issue 5 into wiki format is now at 50%. Articles in this update include a good chunk of the Products For Your Computer section of the issue and an article about a virus-laden pirated copy of Leisure Suit Larry wrecking havoc overseas. Also moved the July What's New entries into a new page, as we are now at the start of a new month.